Lahore Police retrieves properties



Lahore: Lahore Police, in continuation of its crackdown against land grabbers, illegal occupants and goons have retrieved 24 occupied land and properties comprising 24.18 kanal area worth billion of rupees(0.88 billion) worth millions of rupees of the citizens during this year in sixteen days. Lahore police in a recent action retrieved house of an Overseas Pakistani lady worth millions of rupees from the land grabbers.

On the directions of Capital City Police Officer Lahore Fayyaz Ahmad Dev, Police retrieved house worth millions of rupees of an Overseas Pakistani citizen Zaryab Naz from the illegal occupant Kamran, member of land mafia and registered an FIR against him in police station Baghbanpura. According to the details, a land grabber Kamran rented house of Zaryab Naz few years back at Baghbanpura area and occupied the property in her absence. The occupied tenant harassed the landlady, had not even paid the rent of the house to the owner for more than last one year and also refused to vacate her house. Zaryab Naz as last resort, lodged a written complaint against the illegal occupant with the office of Capital City Police Lahore. Additional IG Fayyaz Ahmad Dev ordered SSP Discipline Ejaz Rasheed to take immediate legal action against the illegal occupants and ensure the retrieval of property to the real owner. Accordingly, SSP Discipline Ejaz Rasheed initiated prompt action and retrieved the occupied property from the illegal possession of the tenants within record time. Police handed over the possession to legal owner, overseas Pakistani citizen Zaryab Naz who has lauded the continuous efforts of Capital City Police Chief Fayyaz Ahmad Dev to make provincial capital Lahore free of Badmash Mafia and land grabbers. The landlady visited the office of Capital City Police Officer Lahore today and met with SSP Discipline to express her gratitude on the prompt action and redress of grievance. CCPO Lahore has said that there is no space for Land grabbers and Badmash Mafia in the city and Lahore police will deal with iron hands to those who have illegally possessed the land and property of poor citizens. Anti Qabza Mafia Cell as well as a dedicated non- emergency Helpline 1242 established at CCPO office making all out efforts for redress of grievances of citizens affected from land grabbers and criminals, he concluded.

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