International outpour after Rihanna’s tweet


Lahore, 3rd February: US pop star Rihanna’s recent tweet about the ongoing farmers’ protests in India gained international outpour.

Baaghi TV: After the American icon, Rihanna tweeted about the Indian farmers’ protests on Wednesday, the social media was taken by storm.

Activists and celebrities globally have tweeted in favour of the protesting farmers, making the hashtag #FarmersProtest a global trend on Twitter with an estimated 1.02 million tweets.

The trend started when Rihanna asked, “Why aren’t we talking about this? #FarmersProtest,” sharing a link of an article posted on CNN about the escalating situation in New Delhi.

The article reported about the Modi government’s tactic of suspending internet services to thwart protests. As per reports, the government had blocked internet services at three protest sites near Delhi borders.

Following this, the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg also extended support for the farmers by sharing the same CNN story as Rihanna, and wrote, “We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India.”

US Vice President Kamala Harris’ niece Meena Harris spoke out as well, referring to the recent riots in the US.

She tweeted, “It’s no coincidence that the world’s oldest democracy was attacked not even a month ago, and as we speak, the most populous democracy is under assault. This is related. We all should be outraged by India’s internet shutdowns and paramilitary violence against farmer protesters.”

Retweeting Rihanna’s tweet popular YouTuber Lilly Singh also wrote, “Yes! Thank you so much. This is a humanity issue!” She also added the hashtag #IStandWithFarmers.

British MP Claudia Webbe also took notice of the events following Rihanna’s tweet and said, “Solidarity to the Indian Farmers. Thank you, Rihanna. In an era where political leadership is lacking, we are grateful for others stepping forward.”

Indian-Canadian Punjabi singer Jazzy B also thanked Riri (Rihanna) for support and tweeted, “Thank you for your support we need all the celebrities to support this peaceful protest.”

India, on the other hand, has issued orders to the micro-blogging website Twitter to block the accounts of people who share content on farmers’ protest.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for further updates!


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