Maulana’s Azadi March to be failed after APC : Minister


ISLAMABAD, Oct 3 (APP):Punjab Information, Culture, Industries & Trade Minister Mian Aslam Iqbal on Thursday said Pakistan’s leadership was determined to make a corruption free country and took concrete steps in this regard, adding , opposition must appreciate the PM’ s loyalty and should come forward to eliminate menace of the corruption.

Talking to a private news channel he said Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman’s Azadi March would face failure like his all previous APC, adding, Maulana should stop his tactics to halt the government as these things were hurdle in the way of prosperity.

He said opposition parties had nothing to stand against the government moreover no mega scandal of corruption was surfaced against the PTI government while the leaders of previous governments were confining in jail on corruption charges and the leadership of PTI would not spare its own members if they found guilty in any corruption.

He said PML-N while remaining in power for a decade in Punjab, both PML-N and PPP while enjoying their turns of power for the last 30 years in federal and Punjab governments had indulged in massive corruption and their ministers also became front-men for their corruption.

Replying to a question he said opposition needed to show political maturity and cooperation with national institutions for smooth running of the system rather to halt its working.

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