McDonalds Murree offers shelter, food, and medicines to stranded tourists

McDonalds Murree offers shelter, food, and medicines to stranded tourists #Baaghi

Jan 9, 2022: McDonald’s Murree opened its doors to stranded tourists, offering them much-needed warm shelter, food and medicine, at a time when a severe blizzard on Friday hit the area.

People trapped in the snow, including men, women and children and tourists, were provided free food and medicine overnight by the international fast food chain. They were allowed inside until conditions returned to normal.

The goodwill gesture by McDonald’s was appreciated by the people. Dr. Shahbaz Gul, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Political Liaison, said that McDonald’s set an example by helping the victims in difficult times.

Speaking to the Express Tribune, Gill said, “I personally visited the shelter above McDonald’s, [I saw] families, women and children and the elderly people present there. They were given shelter in McDonald’s. They were being provided food. There were heating arrangements.”

According to an account by a young tourist, “We were stranded here since 11 o’clock in the morning. There were too many cars stuck [in snow]. It became very difficult in the night when heavy snowfall continued, McDonald’s provided accommodation to us for the whole night and did not close its doors. We spent the whole night here,” he said.

“We appreciate this act. Good job McDonald’s. You provided good facilities to us. You did the best for us,” he added.

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