Meesha Shafi’s Lawyer Caught Operating An Illegal NGO


Lahore, 17th December: Pakistani singer Meesha Shafi’s legal team responded to an interim challan filed by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in a Lahore trial court on December 15.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, Meesha Shafi’s lawyer Nighat Dad who represented her case in the famous ‘Me Too’ movement against renowned singer-actor Ali Zafar has been found operating an illegal NGO.

Nighat Dad, Meesha Shafi’s lawyer, on Wednesday, tweeted her response against the headline by one of the famous publication of the country:

The mafia that has misused the global ‘MeToo’ movement in Pakistan has been exposed in a complaint filed in the ministry of the interior by a lawyer Mr Adnan Ashraf Tarar.

The foreign funding and malicious agendas have been laid bare in a detailed complaint by the said lawyer.

According to reliable sources of Baaghi TV, the documents expose Meesha Shafi’s lawyer Nighat Dad illegally operating an NGO “Digital Rights Foundation”.

According to sources, there is no audit of donations received by the NGO which includes huge amounts received from local and foreign organizations.

The complainant alleged that Nighat Dad is involved in fraud and misappropriation of donations received by her NGO.

Reportedly, Nighat Dad is working under the garb of activism for women’s rights but is in fact involved in embezzlement of funds and other illegal activities.

The official Twitter page of ‘Digital Rights Organization’ DRF informs that it is a women-led, advocacy organization focusing on ICTs to support HR, democracy & digital governance.

However, as per reports, the company pertains to illegal, unlawful and fraudulent activities by its founder Nighat Dad, by utilizing international foreign funding without due compliance of applicable laws and policies of Federal Government issued from time to time.

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DRF being the non-profit organization purported to be indulged in the activities such as the human right defenders and women rights defenders in the digital space and digital security awareness.

Baaghi TV sources have also informed that the Executive Director Nighat Dad has been receiving funds from local donors as well as foreign NGOs and organizations, which are misappropriate and embezzled.

As per the audit report of the year 2018 alone, DRF received Rs. 35,013,625/- from foreign organizations, however, the said report was deleted by DRF from its website.

According to reports, the DRF has obtained an exemption from the Income Tax Department, under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, for being a non-profit organization.

Lawyer Adnan Ashraf Tarar has therefore asked the authorities to take legal action against Nighat Dad and other board members.

If the singer is being represented by such an ill-famed and fraudulent lawyer, then how can we expect Meesha Shafi to be any truthful and honest?

Keep reading news on Baaghi TV for further details!

Meesha Shafi’s Legal Team Responds Strongly to the Allegations

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