Military Siege, Communications Blockade Badly Affected IIOJK’s Economy: APHC leaders


ISLAMABAD, Jul 31 (APP): Senior leaders of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) on Friday said that the continuous military siege and communications blockade imposed by the occupation forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) had badly affected its economy. The prolonged curfew and communication blockade had completely ruined tourism and horticulture, which were the backbone of the IIOJK economy, they said while talking to APP.

The Hurriyat leaders said the IIOJK economy was intentionally being damaged in order to force the Kashmiri people to surrender. However, they reiterated that neither would the Kashmiris budge from their demand of right to self-determination nor would they bow down to the illegal tactics of the Indian occupational forces. Senior APHC leader Syed Musthaq Gillani said the people of the held valley were forced to live under such a condition where they even could not breath freely.

He said the revocation of articles 370 and 35-A was a part of the nefarious Indian designs to change the demography of Kashmir. The illegal steps were taken to transform the Muslim majority into a minority by settling over 0.8 million retired armed force personnel and other 0.6 million Hindu workers in the held valley through the new domicile law. “The agenda is clear and that is hegemonic designs to impose the long desired Hinduvta agenda in Kashmir”, he said. Gillani said there was a complete military siege in IIOJK, besides strict communications blockade, including ban on newspapers, Internet and social media. The innocent people were being killed and thousands of Kashmiri youth held under the back law the Public Safety Act.

He said the international community should shun double-standards and force India to lift the military siege in Kashmir. He said a case should also be filed in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for seeking relief for the innocent Kashmiri people. Mushtaq Gillani while appreciating the efforts of the incumbent government for highlighting the Kashmir cause, said that separate Kashmir desks should also be set up in all Pakistani missions abroad to highlight the Indian forces brutalities in Kashmir.  Syed Kafiyat Hussain Rizvi, another APHC leader, said an unprecedented surge was being witnessed in human rights violation by occupation forces in the IIOJK.

He said the Modi regime had imposed countless sanctions and restrictions in the valley under the draconian Public Safety Act. There was complete ban on all the media and cases were being registered against those who spoke against the Indian narrative, he added Rizvi said the international community had also adopted double-standards as evident from its complete silence over unabated human right violations by the Indian occupational forces in the IIOJK.

The international community and the United Nations should press India to lift its prolonged military siege and communications blockade of the held valley, he added. The APHC leader said India would never succeed in its nefarious design as the Kashmiri people had already rejected revocation of article

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