Modi Government in Crisis due to Rising Suicide Rate in Indian-Occupied Kashmir

Lahore (20th June, 2019): The newly re-elected Modi Government in crisis over rising suicide rate in military personnel deployed in Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

According to Baaghi TV’s sources, their has been an alarming rise in the rate of suicides in the Indian Army deployed in Indian-Occupied Kashmir. This ever increasing ratio is forcing the newly elected Modi govt into a crisis. While on the one hand they are losing more and more soldiers everyday, on the other, the Indian gov has decided to employ the use of military robots to “cleanse” IOK of freedom fighters.

According confirmed by Baaghi TV reports, this is the biggest loss faced by the Indian Army since 2005 when the Indian Army lost 150 of its Army personnel.

READ MORE: Indian army martyred two Kashmiri youths in Pakistan.
READ MORE: Kashmir, Three missing teenagers join Kashmiri Mujahideen Group.


Based on statistics, approximately 72 soldiers have lost their lives till now. Of which 50 were victims of the Pulwama attack. As confirmed by sources, nearly 5 soldiers lost their lives in the Anant Naag area few days earlier including a Major amid clash with locals. Moreover, 2 soldiers were believed to have died in a vehicle blast in an area, Ari Hill, located within Pulwama.

READ MORE: Traffic Cop beaten by Army in Kashmir.
READ MORE: Pulwama Attack: Funeral prayers for martyred offered five times.


The death toll for Indian Army personnel has reached an alarming high. This has made the Indian media question the govt and its policies.

According to latest reports, the Indian Army has failed to subdue the Kashmiri youth and freedom-fighters. They have decided to use specially designed military robots for this cause. Statistics show in the last four years approximately 12,000 Indian soldiers have been hurt by locals in response to their brutality. This has led to the Defense Ministers decision to use robots instead.

READ MORE: Mushaal Malik: Rising Brutalities, State Terrorism Could Not Dampen Kashmiris Spirit


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.

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