Modi-Led Yoga Session At UN Sets Guinness World Record

Modi, Yoga

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Yoga celebration at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday created a Guinness World Record for the participation of people of most nationalities.

Modi, who is in New York, led a historic event at the UN Headquarters to commemorate the 9th International Day of Yoga, attended by top UN officials, diplomats and prominent personalities.

The Yoga celebration led by Prime Minister Modi at the UN headquarters created the Guinness World Record for participation of people of most nationalities, officials said.

“I’m delighted to see you all. And I thank you all for coming. Friends. I’m told that almost every nationality is represented here today,” PM Modi told the gathering.

He was joined by President of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly Csaba Korisi, deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed, and New York City mayor Eric Adams.

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