Muhammad Bin Salman threatened by his own bloodline?


Lahore, 4th April: Where the world is undergoing a deadly pandemic, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is facing a political crisis too amid the coronavirus.

Today a video has surfaced on the Mubasher Lucman Official YouTube Channel, predicting the dire consequences for the Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Salman in the coming days.

The renowned anchor has been warning ahead of time about the political scenario and the changes in the royal regime that are bound to take place in the Kingdom and a gloomy future ahead for MBS (Muhammad Bin Salman).

The Crown Prince has gained popularity among Saudi citizens, especially the womenfolk as being the first ruler of the conservative state that has introduced many reforms. The opening of the cinemas in the state and allowing women to drive alone in the country are such examples that had never happened before in the history of the Kingdom.

As mentioned earlier by Mubasher Lucman, Muhammad Bin Salman has a lot more to worry than just the revolt by the Saudi public. Muhammad Bin Sultan is considered a headstrong and ambitious, power-hungry prince by the majority of royal members. In the past, he has done some hideous crime like the supposed inhumane execution of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Embassy in Turkey and imprisonment of businessmen and royal personalities.

MBS in serious trouble: Mubasher Lucman

Prince Salman is known for his preemptive approach and doesn’t let his opponent prepare for an attack. But one thing is to be noticed that the more he tries to suppress his opponents by the power the more hatred and bad blood would generate.

His opponents are also powerful royals. At the moment the King might be in favor of Salman but the royal family is making it clear among them that hasty and uncalculated steps taken by the crown prince have made Saudi position vulnerable in the international community and now they can blackmail and bring these matters up anytime they feel beneficial.

Saudia is a monarchy where the crown prince is selected in advance to replace the King. But Saudi history is full of such an example where the King has been impeached or the crown prince has been replaced by the council.

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Problems with the neighbor Yemen and economic lockdown with Qatar are two major foreign policy failures of the Crown Prince. The royal family works as a business venture where all the family members have their shares and with the increasing power of Prince Salman, the others feel intimidated and vindicated. Such grown distrust will make it difficult for the Crown Prince to gain the support of the royal family for his rule.

The relief for the Crown Prince is the support of Saudi Youth who consider him as their savior and reformist. He might be considering the possibility of entering into a unilateral decision of engaging in war with Iran. The war hysteria will give Arabs a reason to fight under his flag and so his popularity would increase.

This conspiracy theory might be bubbling but still, a lot is to unfold and Mubasher Lucman promises to disclose and release some spoilers about this royal drama in the coming days.

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