Murad Raas clarifies the confusion regarding exams in schools


Lahore, 15th March: In view of confusion in the educational institutes regarding the exams, the provincial government has made an announcement.

According to the report of Baaghi TV, Punjab Education Minister, Murad Raas has made an announcement keeping in view the decision regarding the exams in the educational institutes.

Murad Raas took to his Twitter account and announced on Monday:

He wrote, “All Public & Private schools are only allowed to take examinations (Send Ups & Entry Exams) till Friday 19th March 2021. After Friday all Schools will be shut down completely. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. Anyone in violation will be sealed.”

Clarifying the situation, Raas said that the schools where exams are being conducted will be closed down after this Friday, March 19.

Earlier it was also reported by Baaghi TV that educational institutions in seven districts of Punjab including Lahore have been closed due to increasing cases of the COVID-19.

However, the Punjab government has last week issued orders to shut the educational institutes for two weeks across the province.

It is also pertinent to mention here following the new wave of UK-variant coronavirus in Punjab, a smart Lockdown has been imposed in 7 cities of the province till March 29. New restrictions have been imposed in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Sargodha, Faisalabad, Multan, Gujranwala and Gujarat.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news and updates!

School in Lahore sealed for violating Corona SOPs


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