Mysterious death of Bitcoin billionaire stirs fear of loss of crypto fortune

Mysterious death of Bitcoin billionaire stirs fear of loss of crypto fortune #Baaghi

Lahore, 1st July: The mysterious death of a Bitcoin billionaire has caused a sensation worldwide.

News is circulating about the mysterious death of Bitcoin billionaire, Mircea Popescu who mysteriously sank off the coast of Costa Rica.

News of the controversial investor’s widely reported death has now sparked speculation about what will happen to his bitcoin – which is estimated to be worth 4 1.4 billion (2 2 billion).

According to the site Teletica, Romania’s 41-year-old Popescu drowned at 8.30 am after swimming in the resort of  Playa Hermosa, known for its high waves.

After his body was found, a man identified as Popescu was “swept away” and drowned. Popescu was known for his blogging about bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies on most platforms and forums.

Popesco was known for his statements on Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency blogging website. He was often taken as a fascist, racist and sexist and was widely criticized.

He was also considered by many to be one of the largest individual bitcoin holders, with his fortune estimated to be more than £1.4billion, according to reports from the Independent.

According to unconfirmed rumors, his family cannot access his Bitcoin addresses, where it is believed he held a million Bitcoins.

If the billionaire had not made arrangements for others to get access to his Bitcoin wallets then those tokens could end up being lost forever.

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