NCOC launched a free Covid-19 vaccination app with NADRA

NCOC launched a free Covid 19 vaccination app with NADRA

Pakistan, like other countries in the world, continues to be devastated by the global epidemic Corona and the total number of cases across the country has exceeded 1.1 million.

However, fake corona vaccine certification for indoor dining, travel and hotel room availability continues.

Now the National End Command Operations Center (NCOC) has introduced the Pak Covid 19 Vaccination App to prevent fake corona vaccine certification, which can identify fake corona vaccine certification as well as vaccine vaccinators.

A recent tweet from the NCOC verified account on Twitter states that the NCOC has launched a free Covid 19 vaccination app in partnership with NADRA, which is a digital wallet wallet for code certification.

According to media reports, National Health Service officials say the app can be easily downloaded from the Mobile Play Store, while anyone can get a pass by entering their Computerized Identity Card Number (CNIC).

According to the authorities, the obtained pass can be downloaded after which the said person can show it to the concerned authorities while the foreigners who have been vaccinated in Pakistan can download the pass by entering their passport and vaccination certificate number.

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