NCOC likely to make decision on closure of schools amid COVID-19 surge
Jan 17, 2022: A decision on the possible closure of schools following a review by the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) at a meeting today is likely.
The NCOC will review the current state of the corona virus in the country, a precautionary measure amid alarming rise in COVID-19 infection as the country is in the midst of the fifth wave.
The forum convened a meeting and invited the federal and provincial health and education ministers to propose a new set of guidelines for dealing with the deteriorating corona virus situation in the country over the weekend. Today’s meeting is to introduce a new set of SOPs, focusing on schools and the education sector as a whole, public gatherings, wedding ceremonies, indoor / outdoor dining, and transportation.
The meeting will discuss ways and means to prevent the spread of Corona virus in schools, colleges and universities. The decision was taken at the last meeting of the NCOC on Saturday to engage with the provinces, especially the Sindh government, to take necessary steps to tackle the growing number of corona viruses.
While the entire country has been badly affected by the fifth wave of Corona virus, the situation in Karachi is getting worse with each passing day as the positive proportion of the city had reached close to 40% the day before.
The federal health officials said that they expected the situation in Karachi to change in the coming week as the positivity ratio might hit 50%, leading to an increase in hospitalisations. The officials also said that daily cases were expected to shoot up to 6,000.
As per NCOC data for Monday meanwhile, as many as 4,340 new COVID-19 cases in Pakistan pushed the active cases to 35,884 in the last 24 hours, while seven deaths pushed the death toll to 29,019.
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