NFC Award: Murad asks provinces for 3% share for tribal districts


ISLAMABAD, Feb 01 (APP):Minister for Communication Murad Saeed Monday asked provinces to fulfill their commitments about the provision of three percent of their respective share in the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award for development of the newly-merged tribal districts.
Replying to a supplementary question during the question hour in the National Assembly, he said only Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) had fulfilled its commitment regarding the provision of three per cent share in the NFC Award to the tribal districts.
Murad Saeed said the federal and KP governments had also fulfilled their promise to regularize Levies and Khasadar forces into the regular police force of the province.

Before the merger of FATA in the KP, the minister said all four provinces had committed to provide three percent share of their respective NFC Award for the underdeveloped region.
He said work on various development schemes in the education and health sectors of the tribal region was in progress.
About medical quota for people of the area, he said the federal government had also fulfilled its promise and gave them appropriate medical quota.

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