NGO stages Kashmir rally


BAHAWALPUR, Aug 16 (APP):Youth Development Forum, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) staged a protest rally here in favor of people of Kashmir.

The participants strongly condemned Indian forces’ brutalities committed against people of Kashmir.
The rally led by the NGO’s president and senior leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), Ms. Sumaira Malik was taken out from the NGO’s office and after marching on city roads, it reached Fareed Gate, a commercial hub of the city.

Addressing the rally, she said that people of Pakistan were united and they stood by their brethren and sisters living in Kashmir.

She said that the PTI-led government had been running a good foreign policy that had started to bear fruits. “Now, international community has been taking notice of Kashmir issue,” she said that the Kashmir issue would be discussed in the security council of the United Nations.

She said that India was involved in violations of even basic human rights of people of Kashmir. She, however, hoped that the United Nations and international community would play their due role to stop Indian atrocities which it committed against people of Kashmir.

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