“No evidence for conspiracy” Indian Twitter says the decision is Shame


No evidence for conspiracy… 🤐 @ElamaramKareem_

Shame @srobin1

No evedence means ‘Death of Democracy’

When a King himself is a criminal, such things are common @Afficionado18

India’s shame, exonerated by political expediency. They cannot complain when future powers do the same @1971Kiyomizu

Best Joke of the century !We should bend our head in shame that just in our country is managed by an autocrat and his chamchas ! @vijathottathi

Look at how the Babri Masjid is falling off by itself … I think the construction company should be blamed @siddharth_me

So all accused acquitted.
Then who demolished the Babri Masjid?
Who killed the 1800 people in the riots that followed ?
Who is responsible for the crimes committed on the soul of India ? @khanumarfa




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