Pakistan In Cyber Space – An Aerial view


Pakistan is one of the county having economy, strategic and global issues. We faced major challenges over past seventy years. Not all the issues are solved yet but National institutes are working at least tacked some steps towards the solution.

Moving to the topic, as we moved in 21th century science and technology sector got the spark and changed the world in the recent years and has a bright prospect in future. Pakistan IT sector suffering from last 30 years government created official bodies to hold the sector but result is zero. Every year the number of IT experts in the country is increasing. Pakistan government has started different technology programs like DIGISKILL’s for youth development. But on the other hand in cyber world we are at very last.
Country like Pakistan having security issues didn’t took any strong step in Cyber Security field. Pakistan is also facing cyber space few months ago Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) reviewed his laws but we need to train our youngster to protect Pakistan’s National interest. Just imagine what will happen if the financial, electric grid system, transport and military command and control system of a country is paralyzed. Recently Pakistan’s official websites are being hacked these are the alarms for government to start thinking about this field.

Source : Usman Sulehri

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