Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Ship apprehends Indian Fishing Vessel inside Pak Zone


On 28 January 22, during routine patrolling in Pakistan EEZ, PMSA Ship apprehended one Indian fishing vessel namely TULSI MAIYA with 7 x crew onboard, which was engaged in poaching.

Pakistan Maritime Security Agency regularly patrols Pak EEZ, to ensure protection of own fishermen while ensuring no foreign fishing vessels conducts poaching inside our EEZ.

On 28 Jan, the PMSA Ship observed the Indian fishing vessel poaching inside Pakistani EEZ and warned its crew but it did not respond and continued poaching. The PMSA unit then closed the vessel. After seeing approaching PMSA ship, the Nakwa of the Indian Fishing vessel made evasive and dangerous manoeuvre. Neverheless,

PMSA ship successfully apprehended the boat after chasing it down and compelling it to stop in the name of law.
The boat is being towed to Karachi for further legal proceedings as the act is clear poaching of rich resources of Indus Delta, violation of Pakistani law and UN Convention on Law of the Sea.

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