Pakistan seeks answers from UN about India’s annexation of Kashmir


UNITED NATIONS, Nov 05 (APP):Pakistan has sought answers from the United Nations about the impact of India’s “unilateral” action to annex Jammu and Kashmir on the operations of the world body’s important observer group which monitors the Line of Control (LoC) in the disputed state.

The demand was made in the course of an interactive dialogue with the U.N.’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the United Nations Military Observers Group in India-Pakistan (UNMOGIP) in the General Assembly’s Fifth Committee, which deals with administrative and budgetary matters. The 193-member committee was discussing the Secretary-General’s proposed budget plan for 2020 and the financing for the peacekeeping mission.

“With regard to the post-August 5 situation resulting from the unilateral action taken by India, and increased cease-fire violations and civilian causalities, what challenges are being faced by UNMOGIP in implementing ‘monitoring and reporting mandate’ given by Security Council resolution 307,” Pakistani delegate Jawad Ali Chattha posed the question during the discussion.

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“What financial constraints do you foresee that will be faced by UNMOGIP in implementing planned deliverables during 2020, pertaining to inspection and investigation of cease fire violations, especially under circumstances when UNMOIGIP has no operational freedom of movement in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” he further asked.

The Pakistani delegate also requested the UN to share the detailed assessment and findings of the visit to the disputed region conducted last year by DPKO’s representatives on the recommendation by the Military Staff Committee of Security Council for the technical review of UNMOGIP.

At the outset, Chatta, a second secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN, appreciated the work carried out by UNMOGIP, the second oldest peacekeeping mission in the world that is responsible for the maintenance of peace and security and the observance and reporting of the cease fire violations.

Pakistan, he said, fully appreciated the “critical role” of UNMOGIP and its continued relevance for the regional as well as global peace and security.

UNMOGIP was deployed in January1949 to supervise the ceasefire between India and Pakistan in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. While Pakistan allows UN observers to monitor the LoC, India does not.

The group, based in Rawalpindi, is composed of 44 military observers, supported by 25 international civilian personnel and 47 local civilian staff.

Officials said that the concerned departments of the UN would in due course respond to the questions raised by Pakistan in writing.

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