Pakistan to answer Indian misadventure with full might: Fakhar Imam


ISLAMABAD, Sep 5 (APP):Chairman Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Syed Fakhar Imam Thursday said Pakistan was capable to retaliate any Indian misadventure with full grit and might as its hostility was answered on February 23.

While addressing a conference organized by Center for Global and Strategic Studies (CGSS) themed “Kashmir: Heaven in Ashes” here, Syed Fakhar Imam said Kashmiris, over the years, have become fearless against intrusion and atrocities of Indian occupational forces despite being deprived of their basic human rights.

He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has successfully diverted the world’s attention towards Kashmir by highlighting it on every forum and his address at United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) on Kashmir, later this month, would be impactful.

Chairman Kashmir Committee said that Pakistan army has become a battle hardened force as it has been fighting a war against terrorism since last two decades relentlessly.

Fakhar Imam said that SAARC, a regional cooperation forum, has been dysfunctional since Narendra Modi’s arrival in international politics. “Modi aims to bring demographical changes in the region as RSS was still acting upon the ideology of regaining the concept ‘Akhand Bharat’.

He stressed all the minorities living in India including Muslims, Dalits, Sikhs and Christians were facing worst kind of treatment from the extremist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
The international media was also playing its role to expose real face of India, he added.
He said foreign ministers of various countries were visiting Pakistan to discuss current situation in Kashmir. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had also discussed the prevailing situation in Kashmir with various world leaders to apprise them about the Indian brutalities in IoJ&K.

The people of IoJ&K were suffering as the supply of daily commodities and medicine was suspended to the area due to blockade by Indian forces since August 5.

He also urged the international human right organizations to take notice of human rights’ violation being committed by brutal Indian forces in Kashmir and send their representatives to monitor the situation on ground.

Speaking at the occasion, defense analyst Lt Gen ® Amjad Shoaib said that India’s illegal unilateral action of annexation of IoK was a blatant violation of international law. “This decision on Indian part was also the breach of several agreements between the two countries”, he added.

He said that Pakistan has been putting direct efforts in peace process as our Prime Minister has been offering dialogue resumption to Modi but it was always answered with arrogant Indian stubbornness.

Amjad shoaib said that India has institutionalized the use of torture and its forces were using rape as torture tool.

Representatives of Sikh community, who arrived here from Canada to attend international Sikh Conference in Pakistan, also attended the conference.

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