Pakistani actress intended to lodge a complaint against Narendra Modi


Pakistani actor Sehar Shinwari’s tweet wanted an online link for the Delhi Police to file a complaint against Narendra Modi.

The actress intended to lodge a complaint against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) for allegedly “spreading chaos and terrorism in her country.”

“Anyone know the online link of the Delhi Police? I have to file a complaint against the Indian PM and the Indian Intelligence Agency RAW, who are spreading chaos and terrorism in my country, Pakistan. If the Indian courts are free (as they claim), then I am sure the Indian Supreme Court will provide me justice,” the Pakistani actress tweeted.

Her tweet came after the former PM of Pakistan and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan was arrested by security forces at the High Court in Islamabad on Tuesday. After his arrest, protests erupted across Pakistan, with people clamouring for his release.

The Delhi Police published a clever retort in response to the odd tweet from the Pakistani actress, questioning how she can continue to tweet when all social media sites have been shut down.

“We are afraid we still do not have jurisdiction in Pakistan. But, would like to know how you are tweeting when the internet has been shut down in your country!,” Delhi Police handle tweeted.

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