Pakistanis Always Stand Firm with Kashmiri Brethren: Iftikhar Ali Malik


LAHORE, Feb 03 (APP): United Business Group (UBG) Chairman Iftikhar Ali Malik said on Wednesday that India had constantly been committing human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

“We stand in complete solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters till their complete freedom from Indian yoke,” he stated this while talking to APP here.

He said the India has crossed all limits as it violated all moral, political and diplomatic laws by revoking the special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir and kept millions of Kashmiris hostage in curfew-like restrictions. Malik said that India could never suppress the freedom passion of Kashmiris through bullets and guns, and the policy of state-sponsored torture and barbarity had been failed in Occupied Kashmir. He said that it was sheer violation of human rights that Kashmiris were deprived of their legitimate right to self-determination through unjust Indian occupation.

He also called upon the international community to exert pressure on India to stop this bloodshed and fire in Occupied Kashmir. Malik also paid glowing tribute to people of Indian Held Kashmir for their bravery and great struggle for freedom, asserting that hearts of Pakistanis and Kashmiris beat in unison. The Kashmiris are not alone as the Pakistani nation will always firmly stand with them, he concluded.

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