People to people co-operation, rising above politics


Never before the world saw such human suffering at a dizzying scale. The death toll in India is beyond heart breaking.

COVID-19 is inarguably an unambiguously the most deadly virus of its kind, infections crossing a whopping 250,000 mark in neighbouring India.

This has bedazzled the ruling elite, the government and the hapless masses.

Battling covid has never been that easy, hospitals are buckling under tremendous pressure. The shortage of oxygen is something that no one has control over.

We find patients lying outside the entrances of hospitals gulping for air only at mercy of humble circumstances.

What lessons have we learnt from our past?

During the times of cataclysmic plague and other such diseases we know the countries in the past were completely swept away leaving behind it’s devastating effect.

Looking back in time, Jinnah and Nehru tried to rid the subjects of the Indian subcontinent from the shackles of the British. The dream came about and the efforts bore fruit. India got divided further into two parts, India and Pakistan. This was possible on the pretext of a separate peaceful homeland for the respective people of each country.

Have we achieved the dreams that our leaders saw or are we still divided along the fault lines of religion and ethnicity?

The British for their own reasons had pushed the people to extremities of wretchedness.

Coincidentally we are geographically bounded by the same rivers we have the same monsoons and a similar language. Yes, we gained separate homelands but 70 years down the line we still see that not a lot has changed.

Love generally knows no bounds and as Muslims we had been ordained by almighty Allah to help our fellow brothers when they need us the most. At this juncture, I as a Muslim from this part of the world suggest that people from our country Pakistan, must step forward to help our brothers living just a few miles across the border. This must be done leaving aside our differences that might be political, personal or social.

I appreciate Imran Khan and Faisal Edhi for coming to the forefront and eager to extend help. When the world is hiding behind closed curtains to protect themselves, fearful of the virus. This is a fearless humanistic endeavour.

In this time of utter chaos and bewilderment. Eyes looking at the skies with hope and wonderment, speak for atonement and the grave mistakes that were committed by both the countries.

True, life is too ephemeral, yet we take it for granted. We lost its meaning somewhere along the way. Nevertheless, its time for introspection. One can gauge how evanescent all this phenomenon is? You look around and see people dying in misery, totally helpless. Look at India for instance, the present-day bully in our region. The foreign powers have slammed the door shut on them as regards to the covid vaccine aid.

They wanted to contain China, by extending their arm of help to India. It was a fiasco , an exercise in futility. They can’t possibly meet the home demand now, let alone fulfilling the demand of other East Asian countries.

Modi drowned in his own viscous designs. It was better if both Pakistan and India would have worked in tandem. Crossing into each other’s borders is much convenient and prompt, rather than waiting for some foreign help. The dynamics of power are to be replaced by love, compassion, empathy and kindness. The meaning of life changes if we have the eye to see through it. The heart to forgive and the mind to forget.


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