PM Imran’s peace-initiative prevails over Modi’s extremist ideology: Firdous


ISLAMABAD, Feb 26 (APP):Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Wednesday said peace initiative of Prime Minister Imran Khan had prevailed over the extremist ideology of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In a series of tweets, she said brutal violence on Muslims and their killings in India in during the visit of the US president, had exposed Indian leadership’s fascist and criminal mindset to the world.

Contrary to this, Dr Firdous said Pakistan was emerging as a peaceful and a tolerant country among the comity of nations under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan. US President Donald Trump’s statement was a big blow to the Indian nefarious attempts to link terrorism with Pakistan, she added.

The SAPM said Indian PM Modi seemed hapless due to Imran Khan’s successful diplomacy, even after purchasing heaps of arms and ammunitions. Dr Firdous said Indian forces massive human rights violations and brutalities in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) had shaken the world conscience, and it was welcoming to raise voice against the unjust bloodshed.

She called upon the international community to play its due role in providing the Kashmiris their legitimate right of self-determination as per their wishes and the resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council and added “Hindustan (India) has turned into Hindutvastan.”

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