PM should Play Role in Saving Future of Young Generation: Sanaullah Ghman


Rawalpindi, June 02 (Online Int’l): General Secretary Pakistan National Heart Association (PANAH) Sanaullah Ghman has said that the Prime Minister, as the leader of the nation, should play his role in saving the future of the youth. Yes, the foundation of any nation is its young generation.

If the foundation is strong then the building can be built sustainably. According to Pakistan Medical Association, 1.5 million cases of oral cancer were reported due to tobacco use in which the highest number was of children. The imposition of a ban on the smoking practice will help save the country’s base from being loosened. Talking to reporters yesterday, Sanaullah Ghman said that we belong to a developing country where children are given daily pocket money.

According to a research report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 4 out of 5 people start smoking before the age of 18, while 1 out of 100 children will start smoking. According to research, 10 per cent increase in cigarette prices reduces smoking among young people under the age of 18 by 15 per cent.

Sanaullah Ghman said that Imran Khan is the leader of the Pakistani people, And the leader means the nation. Therefore, we appeal to Prime Minister Imran Khan to play his effective role in preventing smoking in the future of the nation’s children.

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