PNCA commences online classes for different art lovers


ISLAMABAD, Jul 03 (APP):Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) Friday commenced a comprehensive course of online classes for different art genres including musical instrument, painting and drawing.

According to the PNCA official, the classes will span over a ten weeks period which will be conducted via zoom calls. The council will also distribute the certificate upon completion of the course, he added

He said these classes will take place on weekends where Adnan Haider will be teaching eastern classic instrument Rubab and Umair Khan will be teaching western instrument Guitar from July 4, while Faiza Shah will take art classes from July 6, in which she will teach the basic techniques of drawing and painting to the art aspirants.

The council has taken this step of online classes to compensate for the time that has been wasted due to lockdown because of coronavirus and social distancing, he maintained.

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