Positive Corona virus cases doubled across UK: Reports


United Kingdom (17th Sep, 2020): The number of active cases are on this rise in England, reportedly double since the end of May.

According to reports of Sky News, the number of positive cases against England have risen to almost double since the UK introduced its Test and Trace system back in May. Latest figures have shown that approximately 18,371 new cases have come to light between the 3rd of September to 9th of September.

According to reports, the rise is being estimated as substantial at nearly 167% compared to the figures at the end of August. According to reports of Sky News, the Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed that Corona virus cases have been on the rise since the start of July.

It is to be noted, that the number of tests conducted has also risen to almost 27% in comparison to previous weeks, after having remained constant between July and August. According to reports, PM Johnson of the UK had announced plans for a mass testing program last week, reportedly calling it “Operation Moonshot”.

The project cost is estimated at £10bn. The UK government hopes it would allow the country to get back to normalcy, before any vaccine is introduced. However, there has been criticism over the testing capacity as the people are reportedly being advised to travel to Wales and Scotland for testing.

Moreover, according to reports, the UK PM reportedly admitted that demand for tests has been “massively accelerated”. Sympathizing with the public, he added that the capacity is expected to reach nearly 500,000 a day by the end of October, 2020.

According to reports of Sky News, the opposing Minsters have described the situation as a “fiasco”.


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