PRA launches Complaint Management System

Lahore: Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) has launched a Complaint Management System that allows taxpayers to register any complaints / suggestions and will enable the organization to obtain feedback from stakeholders to improve its services. The new system has been designed to ensure that all complaints are categorized, tracked and resolved in a timely manner. “PRA has always relied on automation to improve its performance”, Chairperson PRA Mr. Zain ul Abidin Sahi said. He added that it was a priority for the Government of the Punjab to make every department responsive to the public and ensure quick resolution of their grievances. With an automated platform for complaint handling, the Authority will further strengthen the spirit of working in collaboration with the stakeholders. Link for the new system is available on the PRA website ( and any person can register a complaint or a suggestion for PRA and later track the progress / outcome of the complaint.