Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Imran khan , Muhammad bin Salman

JEDDAH, May 8, 2021: Prime Minister Imran Khan is on an official three day visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the invitation of crown prince Muhammad bin Salman. He is accompanied by senator Faisal Javed, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed.

The Prime Minister was received at the Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah by Prince Muhammad bin Salman at the airport and the Crown Prince also hosted a dinner reception for the Prime Minister and his delegation.

The occasion was marked by the two countries agreeing to cooperate over subjects of mutual interests and signed an agreement to form a Supreme Coordination Council to improve bilateral cooperation.In delegation level talks, the two countries discussed issues of bilateral cooperation such as economy, trade, investment, energy and job opportunities for the Pakistani workforce and also the state of welfare of the Pakistani citizens living in the kingdom.

Pakistan signed multiple agreements with Saudi Arabia in the fields of energy, media and prisoner exchange. The signing of these documents at the ministerial level was witnessed by Prime Minister Imran Khan and Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman. Another area of discussion was stopping crime and smuggling in particular and also an agreement to exchange convicted prisoners.

The two countries also agreed to work together on projects dedicated to environment protection and workers’ recruitment.

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