Prince Harry, Meghan Markle asked to use Air Force One after Queen’s funeral — but got denied


The Daily Mail reported that it was an immediate no from the White House, adding that the request was a “non-starter.”

“It would have caused such a commotion. It would have strained relations with the Palace and the new King,” another source added, referring to King Charles III.

The White House and a spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex did not reply for comment.

The Bidens had used the presidential aircraft to attend the late Queen’s funeral and were also in attendance at a reception for world leaders and foreign royals thrown by King Charles ahead of the service on Sept. 19, 2022.

Harry and Markle had been invited to the reception and then were unceremoniously “uninvited” after being told it was for working royals only.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had coincidentally been in the UK last September to take part in charity engagements when they received the news that the Queen’s health was failing fast.


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