Protests against Israeli atrocities in Pakistan, Iraq, Britain, Spain, Germany, Brussels and France



Protests against Israeli atrocities were reportedly held in Pakistan, Britain, Spain, Germany, France, Australia, Qatar and other countries.

Officials from other political parties, including Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, MQM and Jamaat-e-Islami, also attended protests in Karachi. Addressing the participants, the speakers called on the international community to take note of the Israeli bombardment on Palestine civilians, and for the Muslim Ummah to ensure all possible assistance to the Palestinian people

Large numbers of pro-Palestinian protesters happened in the streets of London. Demonstrators holding Palestinian flags gathered at the Marble Arch and marched on the Israeli embassy.

Thousands of protesters marched in Tahrir Square, the capital of Iraq, in support of the Palestine, calling for an end to Israeli aggression and the liberation of Palestine.

A large protest in support of Palestine took place in the European Union’s capital, Brussels, with thousands of people in attendance calling for a boycott of Israel. According to details, this was the largest protest in support of Palestine in Brussels. The protesters said that the people are bigger than all the governments, listen to us and stop supporting Israel.

Thousands of protesters marched in the Spanish capital, Madrid, in support of the Palestine, and in the German capital, Berlin, peaceful protests took place against Israeli atrocities in Gaza.


Thousands rallied in support of the Palestinians in Sydney, Australia, demanding the end of Israeli atrocities and the granting of rights to Palestinians, including their own independent state.

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