PUBC expresses concern over anti-Pakistan bill in US 




LAHORE:  Pak-US Business Council ( PUBC) Friday expressing grave concern over moving anti-Pakistan bill in US said Pakistan was US coalition parter against war on terror in Afghanistan and suffered colossal irreparable economic losses besides large scale human sacrifices in memory.

Chairman PUBC Iftikhar Ali Malik while talking to a delegation of traders led by Mian Aftab Zia said US in stead of offering free market access to Pak products to help stabilise its bleak economy has moved bill contrary to facts.

He said it’s on record that whole of the world including US and west several times widely acknowledged the unprecedented contribution and key role of valiant Pakistan armed forces and brave civilians for quelling the menace of terrorism with iron hand not only in Afghanistan but also in the region.He said that Pakistan is only country in the world which housed the huge influx of 4.5 million Afghan refugees.

Iftikhar Ali Malik said the rise of violent extremism and increase in terrorism in Pakistan due to instability in Afghanistan not only caused serious damage to Pakistan’s economy but has also been responsible for wide spread human suffering due to indiscriminate attacks against civilian population.He said this odd situation badly disrupted Pakistan’s normal economic and trading activities which not only resulted in higher cost of doing business but also created disruptions in the production cycles resulting in significant delays in meeting export orders around the globe.

He said as a result Pakistani products have gradually lost market share to their competitors.He said consequently economic growth could not be picked up as planned. Investment flow and negative trends of outsourcing of capital in Pakistan has further added to the woes of dwindling performance of the export oriented industry.

Iftikhar Ali Malik urged US take back bill from senate that directly targeted Pakistan which has been tabled on misconception by outrightly ignoring its histrionic sacrifices. He said entire business community stands United with government and Pak armed forces against any external and internal threats.

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