Punjab closes all public and private schools for a week amid surge in Corona virus cases

Punjab closes all public and private schools for a week amid surge in Corona virus cases

Sept 3, 2021: The Punjab government has decided to close all public and private schools in the province from September 6 to September 11.

“All public and private schools in Punjab will be closed from September 6 to September 11, 2021 due to the Covid 19 situation. Please stay home and be safe. Protect yourself and your family,” said Murad Raas, the province’s education minister tweeted on Friday.

According to the National Command and Operations Center, Punjab has the highest number of deaths in the country. In the last 24 hours, 20 people have died of the deadly virus in the province.

Pakistan reported 3,787 new Covid-19 cases on Friday. The positivity rate is 6.33%. Last week, the NCOC decided to keep educational institutions open in the country thrice a week with 50% attendance.

Earlier in the day, the government announced that only vaccinated students will be allowed to sit for the Punjab Public Service Commission exams.

It is mandatory for students of or above the ages of 17 years to get fully vaccinated by October 15. New guidelines have been issued for the immunization of students that dictate that; immunocompromised individuals of 12 to 17 years will be administered the Pfizer vaccine, Individuals will be required to produce medical documents as proof of being immunocompromised.

In addition to this, the general public age group for vaccination has been lowered to 17 years and, Pfizer vaccine will be administered to students under the age of 18 years

For people below the age of 18 years, the Child Registration Certificate (B- Form) number will be used for registration in NIMS (National Immunisation Management System)

Meanwhile, all teaching, non-teaching staff, and people involved in the transportation of students have been instructed to get fully inoculated by September 30.

Schools across Pakistan reopened on August 2.

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