Punjab CM, Governor expresses solidarity with Kashmirs on “Black Day”


LAHORE, October 27 (Online):Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar and Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar on Tuesday expressed solidarity with Kashmiris and lodged their protest against the atrocities of Hindu supremacist Modi regime by wearing black armbands at a ceremony held in connection with Black Day at 90-SQA.

The anthems of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir were aired and the participants chanted ‘long live Pakistan’ and ‘Kashmir will become Pakistan’ slogans while holding flags of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. They also led a walk and condemned blasphemous caricatures in France as well as the Peshawar blast.

The CM said the Pakistani nation strongly protests against profane caricatures in France adding that children have been targeted in Peshawar blast. The purpose of celebrating the Black Day is to sensitize the international community about illegal Indian occupation of Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, he added. More than a year has passed to lockdown in Indian Occupied Kashmir but the perversity of wicked Modi is intact, he lamented.

Everyone can guess the consequences of this continued lockdown as it was also imposed here due to corona, he said. One can fully understand the disturbing results of lockdown over oppressed Kashmiris who are continuously languishing in pain and misery for the last many months, the CM said.

Regrettably, oppressed Kashmiris are going through unimaginable restrictions.

The founder of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah rightly termed Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan and we will continue to wage a full diplomatic struggle for the rights of the Kashmiris of Indian Occupied Kashmir, CM added.

The chief minister appreciated that PM Imran Khan has presented the case of Indian Occupied Kashmir before the world with determination adding that struggle of the Kashmiris with bear fruit as the freedom destination of Occupied Kashmir is not far. Occupied Kashmir will soon get freedom according to the UN resolutions and Pakistan will not deviate from providing diplomatic, moral and political support to the Kashmiris, the CM concluded.

Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar stated the Muslims around the world strongly condemned profane caricatures in France and asked the international community to take strict action against supporters of such blasphemous caricatures. We also strongly condemn Peshawar blast, he added. Imran Khan is a genuine ambassador of Kashmir who has fought their case at every forum and exposed Indian transgressions. India has illegally annexed the state of Kashmir and Modi has written a new history of despotism in India as well as in Occupied Kashmir, he added. The world must take notice of Indian brutalities. Kashmiris struggle will bear fruit and Modi will have to be answerable to his crimes, he continued.

Provincial Ministers Raja Basharat, Mian Mahmood-ur-Rasheed, Ijaz Alam, Murad Raas, Mahinder Pall Singh MPA, President PTI Centre Punjab Ijaz Chaudhary, assembly members, Chief Secretary, PTI leaders and citizens attended the ceremony.

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