Punjab CS gives 3 days deadline to DCs for ensuring cleanliness in hospitals   


Punjab CS gives 3 days deadlines to DCA for ensuring cleanliness in hospitals

The Chief Secretary Punjab has directed all the departments to prepare proposals based on short and long term measures to improve governance and service delivery.

He gave this instruction while presiding over the secretaries’ conference at the Civil Secretariat here on Thursday.

All the divisional commissioners and deputy commissioners participated in the meeting through video link.

The Chief Secretary said that officers should perform their duties with sincerity to resolve peoples’ problems, adding that poor performance and negligence would not be tolerated in any case.

He directed the deputy commissioners to pay special attention to the DHQ, and THQ hospitals, giving them a three-day deadline for ensuring better cleanliness and making fully functional all the air conditioners in these health facilities.

The Chief Secretary asked the officers to start an operation for retrieving the state land from the illegal occupants and take stern action against the land grabbers as per law.

He said that the use of modern technology is inevitable to enhance the efficiency of the departments, adding that the e-filing and office automation system (E-FOAS) has brought innovation in the working. The Chief Secretary also issued instructions regarding the improvement of parks, repair of faulty water filtration plants and covering of open manholes in the districts.

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