Punjab to introduce a new system to keep schools open


Lahore, 31st March: Punjab government will soon announce a new system to keep educational institutes open during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, the education ministry of Punjab is planning on a new strategy to introduce to keep students in schools during the lockdown.

Punjab education minister Murad Raas announced on Wednesday that new measures are under consideration to open schools amid the pandemic and lockdown.

Murad Raas took to his Twitter account and said:

Raas tweeted, “Meeting on School Education Department Performance Review. Introduced a brand new intervention that could really help in keeping our children in school. Will announce once all the aspects get approved.”

A completely new system is being devised by Punjab’s education ministry to bring students to schools under such difficult circumstances.

It is to be noted that all the schools in Punjab have been closed till April 11 after a record-breaking number of coronavirus cases are being reported from the province.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read what’s in store for the future of our kids!


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