Racing driver Correa undergoes 17-hour operation


Paris, Oct 4 (AFP/APP):American racing driver Juan Manuel Correa, who suffered multiple injuries in the Formula 2 Grand Prix accident that killed Anthoine Hubert at Spa in late August, has undergone a 17-hour operation, his team said Thursday.

The 20-year-old had the marathon surgery in a London hospital with his entourage describing the operation as “a success”.

“After 17 hours in the operating room on Sunday, he came out with an encouraging prognosis from doctors, who felt that the surgery had been successful,” said a statement.

“The days following the operation were stressful, but the doctors are confident in the success of the intervention.

“Juan Manuel remains in hospital in London and is scheduled to undergo another operation, less complex, in two weeks. The doctors estimate that he will be able to leave in approximately six weeks.”

The statement added that the coming year will be devoted to rehabilitation and other surgical procedures “with the goal to regain the full use of his right foot and ankle”.

Correa broke both his legs and suffered spinal injuries before being placed in an induced coma after the accident at Spa on August 31.

The Quito-born racer was travelling at 170 mph (270 kph) when he collided with Hubert’s car.
Hubert, 20, died at the circuit 90 minutes after the race.

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