Referendum for a separate land for Sikhs

Referendum for a separate land for Sikhs

Referendum for separate homeland of Sikhs begins in India, as repots speculate India is about to break up.

As per the sources, a plebiscite has started in London for the establishment of a separate homeland for Sikhs in India.

The process of voting for the establishment of Khalistan has begun and a new map of the separate homeland of the Sikhs, has also been released.

Voting for the referendum is taking place in Queen Elizabeth II, the official building behind the Supreme Court. Khalistan flags have also been hoisted on the building during the voting.

Sikh leaders say the British government allowed the referendum despite Indian pressure, for which they are grateful.

Sikh leader, Paramjit Singh Puma, says the referendum is being monitored by an independent commission, while Sikh leader Patwat Singh Pinnu has accused the Indian government of fabricating cases against him to prevent this very free will.

Sikh leader Patwat Singh Pinnu also said that 50,000 people are expected to attend.

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