Release Jamia Millia students top trend on Indian Twitter

New Delhi (29th April, 2020): Release Jamia Millia students is a top trend on Indian Twitter. According to Rebel TV, arrests of Muslim youths under the guise of Coronavirus continues in India and in a number of days, a large number of Indian intelligence agencies have arrested highly educated youths and transferred them to unknown locations.

According to sources, Indian intelligence agencies are pursuing youths across the country who had protested against the citizenship bill. Sources said that the role of Jamia Millia students in this regard was very exemplary and everyone appreciated the way they led the movement. It is also learned that at this time news has started coming from different areas that the intelligence agencies come in the dark of night and arrest the youth of Jamia Millia and take them to unknown places.

Sources said that the parents of the youths are very worried as the Indian intelligence agencies do not give any reason for the arrest nor do they say where they are taking these students. There is also a growing demand from students and from outside India that these students of Jamia Millia be released soon.

On the other hand, in response to the news of the arrests, attitudes of Indians are being strongly condemned around the world, including in Pakistan. The situation has changed a lot since then.

This is because, despite the devastation of the Coronavirus in India at the moment, and the social media activism of the Arabs, and now a few hours ago, the United States violated religious freedom in India, it seems that Modi is not going to be giving up.

#ReleaseJMIPeople, that is, release people of Jamia Millia Islamia is on top trend in India since last evening.

These are three people in particular, whose release is being demanded, on the social networking website. Safoora Zargar, Shifa-ur-Rehman, Miran Haider are all three university students who have been handed over to the police on remand for ten days after their arrest under the UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act). Shafa-ur-Rehman is a former student. Safora Zargar got married two years ago. She has been handed over to the police without any concession during the second trimester of her pregnancy.

Her crime? To raise her voice against the controversial anti-Muslim Citizenship Bill Citizenship Amendment Bill CAB a few months ago. The purpose of the bill was to deprive Muslims of Indian citizenship and to put them in detention camps to commit mass genocide. On which the traditional Indian Muslim leadership proved to be a wall of sand and the students of Jamia Millia narrated the everlasting story of sacrifices by bearing tear gas, shelling, firing, baton charges and later a large number of arrests. The voice of a non-partisan man was presented and the Muslims of India were shaken from their slumber.

The devastation of the Coronavirus lockdown may have created a distraction for a while, but extremist Hindus blamed Muslims for the Coronavirus and a new wave of anti-Muslim hatred erupted. Although with the attention of Arab bloggers and those with authority, the situation seems to have cooled down, however, now the arrests of these students have begun.

One Twitter user, Irena Akbar, says that Miran, Safura and Shifa-ur-Rehman are with you, we demand your unconditional release.

Nabiya Khan says that Miran, Safura and Shifa-ur-Rehman are with you. “We demand their immediate release” and also request that black laws not be applied to them.

Ayesha Renna also confirmed the demand of her predecessor and said that Miran, Safoora and Shifa-ur-Rehman, we are with you, India should stop arresting Muslim students under the guise of COVID-19.

Fahad Ahmed says that this century will be remembered in the history of India in the sense that India has committed many atrocities on Muslim students, atrocities against minorities in India, we are with the students of Jamia Millia, we demand justice for them.

Saket Gokhale says that the way in which humanity has been trampled on in the name of NRC is reprehensible, Amit Shah has specifically targeted Muslim students.

Sania Ahmad says that it is strange that the students of Jawaharlal Nehru also protested against the Citizenship Bill, but why the difference in the treatment of the students of Jamia Millia?

Aditya Menon says that Safura Zargar, Miran Haider and Shafa-ur-Rehman were arrested because the government did not want to give them their rights according to the law.

Aamir Aziz says that I stand with Safura Zargar, I stand with Miran Haider and I stand with Shafa-ur-Rehman.

Suchitra Vijayan says that silence on fascism is a criminal act that cannot be tolerated.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for the latest news and updates.

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