Russia’s military to hold fire, open humanitarian corridor on March 7

Russian shelling targets mosque sheltering civilians in Mariupol

Mar 7, 2022: According to a report by Reuters, Russia’s military will hold fire and open humanitarian corridors in several Ukrainian cities including the capital Kyiv at 1000 Moscow time (0700 GMT) on Monday, as per Russia’s defence ministry.

The temporary halt in fire will open corridors, which will also be opened from the cities of Kharkiv, Mariupol and Sumy, are being set up at the personal request of French President Emmanuel Macron and in view of the current situation in those cities, it said.

Those who leave Kyiv will be airlifted to Russia, the ministry said, adding that it would use drones to monitor the evacuation and “attempts by the Ukrainian side to deceive Russia and the whole civilised world … are useless this time”.

Two planned evacuation operations from Mariupol and the nearby city of Volnovakha have failed over the last two days as the sides accused each other of failing to stop shooting and shelling.

Meanwhile, Australian PM Scott Morrison announced earlier that Australian missiles were “on the ground” in Ukraine. After Australia last week promised Ukraine $50m in missiles, ammunition and other military hardware to fight Russian invaders, Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday said: “Our missiles are on the ground”. He also criticized Russia’s relations with China saying the relationship was opportunistic rather than strategic, labelling the alliance as an “arc of autocracy”.

He said Russia and China would prefer a new world order to the one that has been in place since World War II.

Morrison criticised Beijing’s failure to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s expansion of trade in Russian wheat while other countries are imposing sanctions.

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