SAPM warns of a complete lockdown situation ahead


Lahore, 27th April: Government has warned to impose a strict lockdown if citizens do not follow the coronavirus SOPs properly.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) for Health Dr. Faisal Sultan said on Tuesday that a strict lockdown will be imposed in cities where coronavirus SOPs are being violated.

While addressing a press conference, Dr. Sultan informed that Pakistan Armed Forces are helping the civil government to ensure that the citizens follow the safety measures.

Meanwhile, details of each area are also coming from the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).

SAPM added that the details pouring in are not satisfactory and show that there is a lot of pressure on the health care sector at the moment.

He warned that there is a chance of a complete lockdown situation in the country.

Dr. Sultan said that a complete lockdown has been imposed in Mardan where the number of COVID cases has become increasingly high.

SAPM urged the people to strictly follow the coronavirus SOPs, wear face masks once outside and maintain a safe social distance.

He said that this year we should celebrate Eid in a simple manner for the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news!

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