Social media uproar after PM Khan’s ‘irresponsible’ act gets noticed


Lahore, 25th March: Social media is up in arms after the latest image of Prime Minister Imran Khan went viral today.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, people on the micro-blogging website, Twitter are enraged after seeing PM Khan’s picture that was posted on Twitter today.

As per reports, the media reacted strongly after the Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) for Information and Broadcasting, Shibli Faraz shared the premier’s picture on his Twitter account on Thursday.

Shibli Faraz tweeted an image of the Prime Minister holding a meeting with six members of his media team just four days after contracting the coronavirus pandemic.

SAPM wrote, “Prime minister with the media team today at Bani gala.”

It may be noted that the premier wore a face mask and sat at a safe distance from his media team, but people on social media created an outcry and called the act ‘irresponsible’.

A user sharply criticised the Special Assistant on sharing such an image:

A Twitterati said, “Isn’t a covid patient supposed to isolate himself ?? And this meeting could have done online too. If our PM is unable to observe all this himself how will he be giving lectures to his public to protect themselves and others !! More than disappointing it’s shameful Khan shb!”

A netizen pointed out, “Disappointed!!! PM should be isolating, this picture shows utter disregard to Quarantine protocols. for 10 days at least he should not meet anyone. That is why the nation does not respect SOPs as leaders are the worst examples of not wearing masks and following SOPs and law.”

Someone also pointed out that the SAPM should also get himself tested now:

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news and updates!

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