Solve simple questions to get ‘free groceries’?

Solve simple questions to get 'free groceries'?

If you are good at math, you can buy groceries from the store for free, have you ever thought about that?

If a person stopped at a grocery store near his home to buy eggs and milk, he would certainly not expect to be asked math questions and no one would have thought that if he could solve these questions. You can also carry these items for free.

You may not believe it but a man named ‘Ahmed Alwan’ may be doing this unique work in a shop in New York.

According to US broadcaster CNN, Ahmed wanted to help his community, which is why he made an offer to his customers to answer simple math questions and get whatever he wanted from his shop for free.

Ahmed posts videos of this exam from customers on his tick-tock account. In the videos, Ahmed tells his customers that if they can answer a math question, they have 5 seconds to answer, and then take whatever they want from their store for free.

Ahmed says he pays for everything out of his pocket and his goal is to help low-income members of the community.

Ahmed has 3.6 million followers and more than 60 million likes on his Tick Tock account.

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