Some powers want FATF’s sword hanging over Pakistan: FM

Some powers want FATF’s sword hanging over Pakistan: FM #Baaghi

Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that after the full implementation of 26 out of 27 points of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Action Plan, there is no justification for placing Pakistan on the grey list.

According to the details, in a statement regarding the FATF’s decision to keep Pakistan on the “grey list”, the Foreign Minister said that it was necessary to determine whether the FATF was a technical forum or a political one. It is also important to note that this forum is not being used for political purposes.

“As far as the technical aspects are concerned, we have been given 27 points and he himself is acknowledging that we have fully implemented 26 out of 27 points,” FM Qureshi said.

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He said that much progress has been made on the 27th point and intends to do more. Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that in my view, in such a situation, there is no room for Pakistan to remain on the grey list.

“Some forces want the sword to hang over Pakistan. I also think it is important to make it clear that whatever steps we take are in our own interest,” he said. “It is in our interest that there should be no money laundering. Pakistan’s intention is to curb the financing of terrorism,” he added.

The FM clarified that we will continue to do what is in the interest of Pakistan. It may be recalled that the Financial Action Task Force had announced yesterday that Pakistan’s name would remain on the ‘grey list’, however, it has improved on 26 out of 27 points.

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FATF President Marcus Pleyer told a press conference after the meeting that Pakistan would remain under surveillance, adding that the Pakistani government had done a good job of strengthening and effective anti-terrorism financing system. He said that Pakistan has worked on 26 out of 27 points but it is necessary to work on one point.

Pleyer said action was needed on the Financial Terrorism Plan, which included investigating and punishing leaders and commanders on the United Nations (UN) terrorist list.

He said that in 2019, the FATF’s regional partner APGA had identified steps towards Pakistan’s anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing system, but since then there has been improvement and cases have been made.

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The FATF president added that Pakistan has so far failed to effectively implement the international standards of FATF in many areas, which means that the concerns of money laundering are still high, which is a threat to corruption and organized crime. That is why the FATF is working with the Pakistani government in areas where improvements are needed.

Marcos Player said that the last point was worked out according to the first action plan but the name was not removed from the list because another action plan was given along with it. To a question, he said that Pakistan knows what is expected from it and it will meet these targets, we will cooperate with them and monitor, we will review again in 4 months.

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