Stranded Pakistanis in Russia need diplomatic help


Lahore, 29th June: A group of more than 50 Pakistanis is stuck in Russia after their flights to Pakistan got canceled.

According to Baaghi TV’s report, more than 50 Pakistanis had gone to watch the UEFA 2020 Eurocup in Russia and were bound to return this month.

But due to uncertain Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)s of our civil aviation authority people abroad are facing difficulties to reach Pakistan.

One of the couples from the group reached out to Baaghi TV to appeal to Pakistani authorities and help them in their dire circumstances.

Sources tell that a group of more than 50 friends from Pakistan came to Russia around the 16th of June through the Fan ID visa of UEFA 2020 Eurocup.

Their visa is only valid till the 12th of July and thus they had all booked the flight on Qatar Airways from Moscow to Doha and then a flight from Doha to Karachi.

The couple informed that just a few minutes ago, all of their flights got canceled and there is no other option to book another flight before the 24th of July.

They urge that they cannot stay in Russia till the 24th of July as their visas would expire on the 12th of July and the Russian government would penalize them for staying over the 12th.

When they called the Qatar Airways helpline in Russia, the airline informed them that Pakistan has forbidden inbound flights that is why their flights got canceled.

The couple has reached out to the Additional Minister of Europe and asked for his help. They have asked for a chartered plane for the Pakistani citizens stuck in Russia before the 12th of July so that they can safely reach their country.

Baaghi TV earlier reported that people living in Europe are also facing difficulties to reach Pakistan during their summer holidays after the authorities canceled flights of the leading airlines including Etihad, Emirates and Qatar Airways.

According to details, the policy of flight operation changes every 24 hours, which is causing great hardship to Pakistanis living abroad.

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Pakistanis living in Europe demand clear flight operation policy


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