Students hold rally against Indian brutalities in IIOJ&K


HYDERABAD, Feb 01 (APP):The students and faculty members of Royal Cambridge School on Monday organized Kashmir Solidarity rally here at Latifabad unit number 2 to show solidarity with people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Rally led by principal Nighat Sarfraz while holding placards and banners chanted slogans against Indian brutalities being committed against innocent people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
They expressed concern about criminal silence of international community over gross human rights violations in illegally Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

The participants of the rally urged upon United Nations to take notice of Indian atrocities against Kashmiri’s and use its influence for implementation on Security Council resolutions which called on both India and Pakistan to resolve Kashmir dispute as per the wishes of people of Kashmir.
Kashmiris are under continuous siege in occupied territory since last 550 days after India had revoked special status of IIOJK on August 05, 2019 through a controversial amendment in the Indian constitution.

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