Students raise their voice for violation of SOPs during Cambridge exams


Lahore, 26th April: After huge protests by the students to cancel the Cambridge exams in the country, the government, however, remained steadfast in its decision.

For the past many days, O and A levels students had been requesting the Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood and Prime Minister Imran Khan to cancel the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) examination keeping in view the alarming situation of the pandemic.

Students filed their pleas in the major high courts of the country which were dismissed and were advised to seek help from the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).

In an online campaign with hashtag #NCOCcancelexams on Sunday, students shared statistics of the coronavirus cases in the country on Twitter.

However, Pakistan’s Education Ministry announced to conduct the Cambridge exams countrywide, which started on Monday, April 26.

The A-Level students appeared for their first CAIE exam today in different centres across the country.

Meanwhile, the government assured to conduct the examinations under strict SOPs.

It has come under notice that a safe distance of 2 meters is not being maintained at the examination halls, which have no windows to breathe, no doors opened and no cross-ventilation.


Similarly, kids have to wear face masks for a longer duration, which may suffocate them.

On top of all this, the fear of the coronavirus has put the students under a lot of mental pressure, besides already facing the pressure of their syllabus not completely covered as it should have been.

People on social video have shared videos regarding the fact that coronavirus SOPs are openly disregarded as a large of parents and drivers can be seen waiting together.

Earlier in the day, Pakistan’s renowned anchor Mubasher Lucman shared an image of the examination hall and asked the authorities to check whether the current situation is safe for the students.

He tweeted, “This morning! Are these 50 kids only? NCOC wake up please!”

On the other hand, Federal Minister for Education, Shafqat Mahmood extended good wishes to the candidates appearing for the exams.

He tweeted, “Wishing all students taking exams starting from today, the very best. These are tough times and difficult decisions have been made keeping the student’s best interest in view. British Council is committed to the strict implementation of SOPs and we will monitor them closely. Good Luck.”

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV to read all the latest news!

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