Study suggests links between diet and anxiety disorders

Latest research suggests that experts believe anxiety disorders may have more to do with diet than ever before. 

According to recent study, scientists have analysed data collected from a Canadian cohort of adults over the age of forty-five to find links between diet and anxiety disorders. Other factors that may be linked with anxiety disorders may include:

  • Biological sex
  • Immigration status

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As per a study published in 2015, experts believe anxiety disorders to be the most prevalent among mental health issues faced by people in the United States and Europe, respectively. Moreover, statistics provided by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America shows that almost 18.1 percent of America’s population lives with some form of anxiety disorders each year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that almost 3.5 percent of the total world population lives with anxiety disorder(s). Moreover, researchers are focused on constantly reevaluating factors that may contribute to an individuals’ risk of developing anxiety disorders so that they may be able to form strategies to prevent anxiety attacks, respectively.

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Investigators have recently carried out a research to discover associations between the various factors and risk of developing anxiety. According to study author, Dr. Karen Davison, records estimate that almost ten percent of the total world population may suffer from anxiety disorders which may be the leading cause of other disabilities.

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[bs-quote quote=”Our findings suggest that comprehensive approaches that target health behaviors, including diet, as well as social factors, such as economic status, may help to minimize the burden of anxiety disorders among middle-aged and older adults, including immigrants.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Dr. Karen Davison” author_job=”Study Author”][/bs-quote]

Moreover, the research team analysed data from approximately 26,991 participants who had been a part of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging between 2010 and 2015, respectively. The results inferred that almost 49.3 percent of the participants were male, 82.5 percent were Canadian and almost 58.5 percent ranged between the ages of forty-five to sixty-five. Furthermore, nearly 8.5 percent of the participating individuals were reported to have been diagnosed with some form of anxiety.

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The researchers further studied the information gathered by means of interviews, physical exams including lab tests et cetera. They inferred that ‘significant associations’ existed between the ‘likelihood of developing’ and anxiety disorder. They argued that some of these associations helped to confirm prior findings linked to the issue of anxiety.

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In addition to this, they argued that people who do not eat fruits and vegetables more frequently are far more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety in comparison to people who eat them.

[bs-quote quote=”For those who consumed less than three sources of fruits and vegetables daily, there was at least at 24% higher odds of anxiety disorder diagnosis. ” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Lead Author” author_job=”Study on Anxiety Disorders”][/bs-quote]

Jose Mora-Almanza elaborates that the above findings may also help to explain associations of anxiety with ‘body composition measures’ respectively. Jose Mora-Almanza argues that as the levels of total body fat increased beyond 36 percent, so did the chances of being diagnosed with anxiety disorder by more than 70 percent.

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According to the study authors, a diet which lacks fruits and vegetables leads to an increase in body fat. It may also lead to risk of ‘systemic inflammation’. They argue that anxiety has direct links with inflammation. Moreover, it is estimated that nearly one in nine female participants likely suffered from anxiety, whereas, only one in fifteen male participants were diagnosed with anxiety.

[bs-quote quote=”Our findings are in keeping with previous research which has also indicated that women are more vulnerable to anxiety disorders than men.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Karen Kobayashi” author_job=”Study co-Author”][/bs-quote]

Consequently, they argue that the chances of married people developing anxiety are less than those who are not in a relationship. They estimate that single people are almost twenty-seven percent more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety.

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Additionally, people who work for lower wages also have a greater chance of experiencing mental health problems in comparison to those with higher income. According to the data presented by experts, almost one in five participants with income lower than $20,000 per year tend to live with anxiety.

Study co-author, Dr. Hongmei Tong, explains that the research team was not surprised with the results pertaining to poor people and/or those with a lower income because they struggle to afford the basic necessities such as food and housing, respectively.

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Similarly, people who suffer from multiple ‘chronic health conditions’ are far more likely to experience anxiety disorders as compared to people who do not. Shen Lin, study co-author, elaborates that ‘chronic pain’ and other ‘health conditions’ add to the unpredictability of life and can lead to developing anxiety disorders.

Shin Lin lastly argues that it cannot be ascertained whether anxiety will ‘interfere with work or family’ and other responsibilities, however, it may be challenging and time consuming to live with anxiety.

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