Tag: #AMAN
Bayer Pakistan and AMAN announce collaboration on World Contraception Day
Karachi, September 26, 2024 – On the occasion of World Contraception Day 2024, Bayer Pakistan and the Association for Mothers & Newborns ...Pakistan Navy releases new promo for multinational exercise “Aman”
According to a report by Baaghi TV, the Pakistan Navy has released a new promo for the multinational exercise “Aman”. Nation united ...AMAN Exercise: Epitome of Regional Integration
Pakistan Navy conceived the idea of hosting the series of naval exercises in 2007 to promote regional naval integration and enhance compatibility ...Aman-21: A Platform for Cooperation in Maritime Sector
Robert D. Kaplan contends that the Greater Indian Ocean, stretching eastward from the Horn of Africa including the Indian Subcontinent all the ...Pakistan Navy launches first promo of AMAN exercises
The Pakistan Navy has released the first promo of AMAN exercises, according to a Baaghi TV report. US Existing Home Sales Hit ...Naval Partnership for Peace
The seventh peace exercise in the Pakistan Navy’s Multinational Naval Exercise, which began in 2007, is being held in early 2021. Since ...Standing Together for Peace
Advocating peace, Pakistan Navy has had the privilege of conceiving and hosting the AMAN series of exercise ever since 2007. The endeavor, ...Pakistan Navy’s Naval Exercise AMAN-21
The world’s oceans are rich in natural resources, covering an area of about 360 million square kilometers and covering about 70 percent ...Aman-7 — A feather in Pakistan Navy’s cap
While the world struggles to meet the challenges of the pandemic COVID-19, the responsibility of defense can neither be relegated nor postponed ...An Initiative towards Stability and Peace in Maritime Sector
The aftermath of World War II witnessed many drastic changes on the global politico-military and socio-economic arenas which gave incessant urge to ...