Tag: #SenateCommittee
Airports lack explosive detection equipments: SSC Aviation
A meeting for the Senate Standing Committee (SSC) on Aviation was held today in Old PIPS Hall, Parliament Lodges, Islamabad under the ...Senate Standing Committee on Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan held today
Islamabad, 03 November, 2020: The meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan was held on Tuesday at ...Senate Functional Committee on Problems on Less Developed Areas held
Islamabad, 02 November, 2020: The Senate Functional Committee on Problems on Less Developed Areas in its meeting held on Monday at Parliament ...Senate Standing Committee’s meeting, briefing on M-tag system at toll plazas
ISLAMABAD: A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Communications was held at the Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Hidayatullah. ...Committee shows Displeasure regarding Absence of Parent Teacher Association
The Senate Committee has expressed its displeasure over absence of Parent Teacher Association.